We study numerically and analytically the phases of a mixture of ultracold bosons and spin-polarized fermions in a one-dimensional lattice. In particular, along a symmetry plane in the parameter space, we obtain the exact boundary of the boson-demixing transition from the Bethe ansatz solution of the standard Hubbard model. For a region of parameter space, we prove the existence of boson-fermion mixed phase at all densities. This phase is a two-component Luttinger liquid for weak couplings or for incommensurate total density, otherwise it has a charge gap but retains a gapless mode of mixture composition fluctuations. We show that the static density correlations in these two regimes are markedly different.Interest in quantum physics of strongly correlated systems with mixed statistics is on the rise. In addition to "conventional" systems such as He 3 -He 4 mixtures or systems with strong electron-phonon coupling, degenerate boson-fermion mixtures have recently been realized with ultracold atomic gases in optical traps. Stable boson-fermion mixtures have been realized with 6 Li-7 Li, 1 23 Na-6 Li, 2 87 Rb-40 K, 3 and 6 Li-87 Rb. 4 These experiments with ultracold atoms give the ability to create perfectly clean and defect free samples and unprecedented control over the interaction parameters-in short, an ideal testbed for studying many-body phenomena. The realization of Bose-Einstein condensation ͑BEC͒, fermionic superfluidity, and superfluid ͑SF͒ to Mott insulator ͑MI͒ transition are but a few remarkable achievements in this respect.Because of the large number of parameters, even the simplest of mixed-statistics systems have complex phase diagrams with a rich variety of phases. 5-11 For the mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions on the lattice, ground state phases include two component mixtures, pure bosonic and fermionic domains, and a novel mixed phase with a charge gap but with a gapless mode of mixture composition fluctuations. In an actual setup of optical trap experiments, domains of several phases may be simultaneously manifested depending on the local trap potential. Thus, because of finitesize effects, the phases cannot be unambiguously defined; the corresponding phase transitions widen to become crossovers. However, as bigger traps with larger numbers of atoms become available, the experiments will permit us to address precisely posed questions such as the nature and location of the phase transitions. Conversely, a detailed characterization of the phases in the absence of a trapping potential in different parameter regimes and the associated transitions is important for a proper analysis of experimental results with the trap present.In this work, we study the zero-temperature phase diagram of a mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions in a one-dimensional ͑1D͒ periodic lattice in the framework of the Bose-Fermi Hubbard model ͑BFHM͒, Eq. ͑1͒, over a range of densities and interaction parameters. We construct mappings to several known models in appropriate limits and use known analytic results...