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Internal conversion outcompetes autodetachment from resonances in the deprotonated tetracene anion continuumJames N. Bull a , Christopher W. West a and Jan R. R. Verlet a † Photoelectron velocity-map imaging and electronic structure calculations have been used to study the temporary anion (resonance) dynamics of the closed-shell site-specific deprotonated tetracene anion (C18H11 -) in the hv = 3.26 eV (380 nm) to 4.13 eV (300 nm) range. In accord with a recent frequency-, angle-, and time-resolved photoelectron imaging study on a related but open-shell polyaromatic radical anion (Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 1578-1589, population of π*-resonances situated in the detachment continuum efficiently recover the ground electronic state of the anion through ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics, followed by characteristic statistical electron loss (thermionic emission). The combined electron yield of direct photodetachment and autodetachment from the optically-accessed resonances in C18H11 -is several orders of magnitude smaller than thermionic emission from the ground electronic electronic state in the photon energy range studied. This result implies a resiliance to prompt photoejection from UV radiation, and the ability of neutral PAH-like species to capture a free electron and form a long-lived molecular anion that ultimately decays by thermionic emission on a millisecond timescale. The attachment mechanism applies to polyaromatic species that cannot support dipole-bound states, and may provide an additional route to forming anions in astrochemical environments.
IntroductionPolyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules are found across a diverse range of chemical environments. For example, they form as products in combustion and anthropogenic pollution, 1 they are used in new generation semiconductors and microelectronics, 2,3 and they have been postulated to be present in astrochemical environments. 4,5 In astrochemistry, anions are recognised as important chemical species, [6][7][8][9][10][11] and have been identified as small polyynes such as C 4 H -and C 6 H -, [12][13][14][15][16][17][18] and are commonly postulated to be present as PAHs. However, the detailed formation mechanism of astrochemical anions is unclear. It is commonly postulated that stable anions may be formed via electric dipole-bound doorway states; 19,20 however, most neutral PAH molecules do not have a sufficient dipole moment to support such a mechanism.Most molecules,...