Quantum repeater holds the promise for scalable long-distance quantum communication. Towards a first quantum repeater based on memory-photon entanglement, significant progresses have made in improving performances of the building blocks. Further development is hindered by the difficulty of integrating key capabilities such as long storage time and high memory efficiency into a single system. Here we report an efficient light-matter interface with sub-second lifetime by confining laser-cooled atoms with 3D optical lattice and enhancing the atom-photon coupling with a ring cavity. An initial retrieval efficiency of 76(5)% together with an 1/e lifetime of 0.22(1) s have been achieved simultaneously, which already support sub-Hz entanglement distribution up to 1000 km through quantum repeater. Together with an efficient telecom interface and moderate multiplexing, our result may enable a first quantum repeater system that beats direct transmission in the near future.
PACS numbers:Quantum communication [1, 2] relies on photon transimission over long distance. Direct transmission is limited to moderate distances (less than 500 km [3,4]) due to exponential decay of photons. Quantum repeater [5] is an ultimate solution to go significantly beyond this limitation. There are many quantum repeater schemes proposed so far [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Considering the experimental capabilities, the memory-photon entanglement based schemes [6] are much more feasible than the error correction based schemes [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Towards a first quantum repeater based on memory-photon entanglement, significant progresses have made in improving performances of the building blocks [6]. Further development is hindered by the difficulty of integrating key capabilities such as long storage time [12] and high memory efficiency [13] into a single system. So far, storage lifetime has been improved to the sub-second regime for single excitations in an atomic ensemble [12,14] and to the sub-minute regime for classical light storage [15], nevertheless, storage efficiency in these experiments is typically very low (∼16%). If we define a threshold of 50% for the memory efficiency, the longest storage time is limited to 1.2 ms [16], which is far away from the second regime requirement [6] of a quantum repeater. Memory efficiency is essentially important as it intervenes in every entanglement swapping operation between adjacent quantum repeater nodes. According to theoretical estimations [6], 1% increase of retrieval efficiency can improve long-distance entanglement distribution rate by 10%∼14%.In this paper, we report an efficient quantum memory with sub-second regime lifetime by making use of a 3D optical lattice confined atomic ensemble inside a ring cavity. The quantum memory is nonclassically correlated with a single photon, thus forms a light-matter interface for quantum repeaters [6,17]. Optical lattice limits atomic motion in all direction thus suppresses various motion-induced decoherence, and ring cavity enhances atom-photon coupling thus imp...