It is shown that a family of analytically solvable pulses can be used to obtain high fidelity quantum phase gates with surprising robustness against imperfections in the system or pulse parameters. Phase gates are important because they can implement the necessary operations for universal quantum computing. They are particularly suited for systems such as self-assembled quantum dots, trapped ions, and defects in solids, as these are typically manipulated by the transient excitation of a state outside the qubit subspace.The physical implementation of quantum computation requires high quality coherent gates. Single qubit rotations combined with the conditional C-Z phase gate form a universal set of quantum logic gates [1]. Time dependent controls, such as lasers, are used in order to implement these prescribed unitary evolutions of the qubits.In many physical systems, such as self-assembled quantum dots [2][3][4][5] and quantum wells [6], trapped ions [7] and atoms [8], defects in solids [9], and in some cases superconducting qubits [10], auxiliary states outside the Hilbert space of the qubit are used in order to implement these gates. One advantage of using such states is that their energy splitting from the qubit states is typically orders of magnitude larger than the qubit splitting itself and thus fast operations can be achieved, since the time scales as the inverse of the energy. For unitary evolution within the qubit space, these excited states should be only transiently excited, and fast operations are key in order to avoid incoherent decay back to the qubit states.The most familiar gate is the induction of a minus sign in front of one of the qubit states via cyclic resonant excitation of the excited state. As shown in Fig. 1, the two qubit states |n and |n (which can be thought of as spin eigenstates along the n direction, or as a subset of two-qubit states) are respectively coupled and uncoupled from the excited state by a pulse. A path that excites the population in state |n resonantly to |E and returns it through a cyclic evolution will induce a minus sign to state |n . This is a familiar property of quantum systems that differentiates (pseudo)spin from spatial rotations in euclidian space, where a full 2π rotation returns the system to its starting point.Indeed, this evolution has been used in the demonstration of quantum gates of a variety of systems, including semiconductor nanostructures [3,6,11,12], trapped ions [13] and fullerene molecules [14]. This is done straightforwardly by a resonant pulse of any temporal profile. In contrast, the implementation of other phase gates is non trivial, since the majority of pulses will leave the system partially in the leaky excited state |E . Perturbative methods such as adiabatic elimination [15] of state |E partially address this, but they have the inherent drawback of a need for long pulses. Exact analytically solvable dynamics are therefore highly desirable, since they can guarantee that the probability of the population remaining in the excited state is z...