The photochemical dynamics of the pyrrole-pyridine hydrogenbonded complex has been investigated with computational methods. In this system, a highly polar charge-transfer state of 1 * character drives the proton transfer from pyrrole to pyridine, leading to a conical intersection of S 1 and S0 energy surfaces. A two-sheeted potential-energy surface including 39 in-plane nuclear degrees of freedom has been constructed on the basis of ab initio multiconfiguration electronic-structure data. The non-BornOppenheimer nuclear dynamics has been treated with time-dependent quantum wave-packet methods, including the two or three most relevant nuclear degrees of freedom. The effect of the numerous weakly coupled vibrational modes has been taken into account with reduced-density-matrix methods (multilevel Redfield theory). The results provide insight into the mechanisms of excitedstate deactivation of hydrogen-bonded aromatic systems via the electron-driven proton-transfer process. This process is believed to be of relevance for the ultrafast excited-state deactivation of DNA base pairs and may contribute to the photostability of the molecular encoding of the genetic information.conical intersection ͉ excited-state hydrogen transfer ͉ nonadiabatic transition A s is well known, hydrogen bonds are of universal importance in chemistry and biochemistry. Although the structure and the functionality of hydrogen bonds in the electronic ground state have been investigated with powerful experimental and computational methods for decades and are thus quite well understood (1), much less is known about the role of hydrogenbond dynamics in excited electronic states of chemical or biochemical systems. Fluorescence quenching of aromatic chromophores by protic solvents and fluorescence quenching in intermolecularly or intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded aromatic systems are well known phenomena, but are still poorly understood at the atomistic level (2-4). One reason for our limited knowledge of excited-state hydrogen-bond dynamics is the extremely short time scale of some of these processes (presumably of the order of 10 fs or less). Another reason is the difficulty of performing accurate ab initio electronic-structure calculations for excited states of complex polyatomic systems.It has recently been proposed that electron-driven protontransfer processes along hydrogen bonds could play a decisive role for the ultrafast excited-state deactivation of biological molecules and supermolecular structures, such as DNA base pairs, peptides, or UV-protecting pigments (5-7). The computational studies suggest that proton-transfer processes driven by charge-transfer (CT) states of 1 *, 1 n*, or 1 * character provide barrierless access to conical intersections (8) of the excited-state and ground-state potential-energy surfaces, where ultrafast internal conversions take place. This particularly efficient mechanism of energy dissipation could be essential for photostability of the molecular encoding of the genetic information of life (9). Recent experimen...