Ultra-short pulse lasers, generating coherent light pulses with pulse durations in the picosecond and femtosecond range, are becoming popular in precision laser microfabrication. They are benefiting not only from well-predicted laser ablation with the suppressed heat-affected zone but also by opening new processing opportunities, especially in transparent materials, due to enhanced non-linear interaction with the material. In this review, the evolution of various kinds of mode-locked lasers from a scientific toy to a robust industrial tool is reviewed. The utilization benefits of high-average-power, high-pulse-repetition-rate ultra-short pulse laser are closely related to beam shaping and manipulation techniques. Fast beam scanning with galvanometric and polygon scanners as well as multi-beam parallel processing methods were developed. Some hot applications areas are briefly described. The efficient use of photons from ultra-short pulse lasers pushed the development of optimization methods in the ablation process. Efforts toward upscaling the process by increasing the average power of mode-locked lasers made feedback to laser developers, and burst regime became a necessity as well as high-speed beam scanning devices. Unique opportunities of ultra-short pulses are successfully exploited in machining transparent materials, with glass separation being the leading application.