Non-equilibrium of electrons, phonons, and magnons in metals is a fundamental phenomenon in condensed matter physics and serves as an important driver in the field of ultrafast magnetism. In this work, we demonstrate that the magnetization of a sub-nm-thick Co layer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy can effectively serve as a thermometer to monitor non-equilibrium dynamics in adjacent metals, Pt and Ru, via time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect. The temperature evolutions of the Co thermometer embedded in Pt layers of different thicknesses, 6-46 nm, are adequately described by a phenomenological three temperature model with a consistent set of materials parameters. We do not observe any systematic deviations between the model and the data that can be caused by a non-thermal distribution of electronic excitations. We attribute the consistently good agreement between the model and the data to strong electronelectron interaction in Pt. By using Pt/Co/Pt and Pt/Co/Pt/Ru structures, we determine the electron-phonon coupling parameters of Pt and Ru, gep(Pt)=(6±1)×10 17 W m -3 K -1 and gep(Ru)=(9±2)×10 17 W m -3 K -1 . We also find that the length scales of non-equilibrium between electrons and phonons are lep=(Λe/gep) 1/2 ≈9 nm for Pt and ≈7 nm for Ru, shorter than their optical absorption depths, 11 and 13 nm, respectively. Therefore, the optically thick Pt and Ru