The magneto-optical Faraday effect, played a crucial role in the elucidation of the electromagnetic nature of light. Today it is powerful means to probe magnetism and the basic operational principle of magneto-optical modulators. Understanding the mechanisms allowing for modulation of the of magneto-optical response at THz frequencies may have far reaching consequences for photonics 1 , the ultrafast optomagnetism 2-4 , magnonics 5,6 as well as for future development of ultrafast Faraday modulators. Here we suggest a conceptually new approach for an ultrafast tunable magneto-optical modulation with the help of counter propagating laser pulses. Using terbium gallium garnet (Tb 3 Ga 5 O 12 ) we demonstrate the feasibility of such a magneto-optical modulation with a frequency up to 1.1 THz, continuously tunable with the help of an external magnetic field. Besides the novel concept for ultrafast magnetooptical polarization modulation, our findings reveal the importance of accounting for propagation effects in the interpretation of pump-probe magneto-optical experiments. For light propagating along the z axis through a homogeneous and isotropic medium the Faraday polarization rotation Θ 0 is defined as:where d is the effective travel distance of light inside the medium, λ is the wavelength of light in vacuum, n 0 is the refractive index at this wavelength, M z is the magnetization along the z-axis at the applied magnetic field B 0 and α is a magneto-optical constant which depends on the spin-orbit interaction in the medium. In paramagnetic and diamagnetic media the Faraday effect is described in terms of the Verdet constant defined as, where χ is the magnetic susceptibility so thatThe ultrafast modulation of the Faraday effect was demonstrated using THz magnetic fields 7-9 and optical excitation of THz oscillations of the magnetization M z .
10,11It was shown that the Faraday effect can be enhanced 13,14 in the magneto-optical medium with the introduced inhomogeneity of the complex refractive indexñ = n + iκ along the z direction of light propagation. The Faraday effect can be modulated in time, if the inhomogeneity is intrinsically nonstationary and moving in the crystal. The laser induced acoustic solitons are an example of the propagating optical inhomogeneities created by a transient stress. [15][16][17][18] In this case, the frequency of the Faraday modulation Ω is determined by the speed of sound and resides in a GHz range. An inhomogeneity moving with a relativistic speed can be created by an intense laser pulse, which due to the optical Kerr effect, induces a linear dichroic region.19 Employing the inhomogeneities moving with the group velocity of the laser pulse should result in much higher modulation frequencies.In order to test this approach, we performed timeresolved magneto-optical studies in the Faraday geometry, in which an intense femtosecond laser pulse (pump) with a central photon energy of 1.55 eV propagates through and interacts with a medium. The much weaker pulse (probe) interacts with the mediu...