Linear and non-linear X-ray spectroscopy hold the promise to provide a complementary tool to the available ample body of THz to UV spectroscopic techniques, disclosing information about the electronic structure and the dynamics of a large variety of systems, spanning from transition metals to organic molecules. While experimental free electron laser (FEL) facilities continue to develop, theory may take the lead in modeling and inspiring new cutting edge experiments, paving the way to their future use. As an example, the not-yet-available two-dimensional coherent X-ray spectroscopy (2DCXS), conceptually similar to 2D-NMR, is expected to provide a wealth of information about molecular structure and dynamics with an umprecedented level of detail. In the present contribution, we focus on the simulation of linearand non-linear (2DCXS) spectra of the ESCA molecule. The molecule has four inequivalent carbon K-edges, and has been widely used as a benchmark for photoelectron spectroscopy. Two theoretical approaches for the computation of the system manifold of states, namely TDDFT and RASSCF/RASPT2, are compared, and the possible signals that may appear in a 2DCXS experiment and their origin are surveyed.