Coherent multidimensional electronic spectroscopy is commonly used to investigate photophysical phenomena such as light harvesting in photosynthesis in which the system returns back to its ground state after energy transfer. By contrast, we introduce multidimensional spectroscopy to study ultrafast photochemical processes in which the investigated molecule changes permanently. Exemplarily, the emergence in 2D and 3D spectra of a cross-peak between reactant and product reveals the cis-trans photoisomerization of merocyanine isomers. These compounds have applications in organic photovoltaics and optical data storage. Cross-peak oscillations originate from a vibrational wave packet in the electronically excited state of the photoproduct. This concept isolates the isomerization dynamics along different vibrational coordinates assigned by quantum-chemical calculations, and is applicable to determine chemical dynamics in complex photoreactive networks.photoreactive processes | ultrafast spectroscopy | 2D spectroscopy | vibrational coherence A basic objective of physical chemistry is to determine the mechanisms underlying chemical reactions. Fundamental insights into these are provided by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, even below the timescale of molecular vibrations (1). The major challenge of ultrafast photochemistry is to identify isolated signatures of reactants, intermediates, and products, whose spectral bands often overlap. Here we show that such ambiguities are unraveled by coherent multidimensional electronic spectroscopy, e.g., 2D and 3D spectroscopy, where the correlation of a system's excitation and emission frequencies is measured separating features that otherwise superpose. We detect photoreactivity directly via cross-peaks in multidimensional spectra. This opens the broad field of femtochemistry (1) to the multidimensional concept.Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2-5) was primarily implemented for studying photophysical phenomena such as energy transfer in multichromophore light-harvesting systems or other excitonically coupled systems (6-11). Recently, charge transfer has also been investigated (12, 13). Here we are interested in photochemical processes leading to ground-state product species with a molecular configuration that is different from the initial reactant. As a general extension of 2D spectroscopy, 3D representations provide an even more detailed picture. Coherent 3D spectroscopy has been introduced to infrared spectroscopy (14, 15), and recently to electronic spectroscopy for isolating excitonic coherences (16, 17), for liquid-and gas-phase model systems (18)(19)(20), and for analyzing photosynthetic lightharvesting (21,22). Regarding these approaches, one has to differentiate between fifth-order experiments (14, 15, 19) for effects of higher nonlinearity (e.g., three-point frequency-fluctuation correlation functions) (14) and third-order techniques (20)(21)(22)(23)(24), as demonstrated here to unravel photochemical reactions.The principal idea of multidimensional spectrosc...