In Part I (in this journal) we argued that the structure function F γp 2 (x, Q 2 ) in deep inelastic ep scattering, regarded as a cross section for virtual γ * p scattering, has a saturated Froissart-bounded form behaving as ln 2 (1/x) at small x. This form provides an excellent fit to the low x HERA data, including the very low Q 2 regions, and can be extrapolated reliably to small x using the natural variable ln(1/x). We used our fit to derive quark distributions for values of x down to x = 10 −14 . We use those distributions here to evaluate ultra-high energy (UHE) cross sections for neutrino scattering on an isoscalar nucleon, N = (n + p)/2, up to laboratory neutrino energies Eν ∼ 10 16 -10 17 GeV where there are now limits on neutrino fluxes. We estimate that these cross sections are accurate to ∼2% at the highest energies considered, with the major uncertainty coming from the errors in the parameters that were needed to fit F γp 2 (x, Q 2 ). We compare our results to recently published neutrino cross sections derived from NLO parton distribution functions, which become much larger at high energies because of the use of power-law extrapolations of quark distributions to small x. We argue that our calculation of the UHE νN cross sections is the best one can make based the existing experimental deep inelastic scattering data. Further, we show that the strong interaction Froissart bound of ln 2 (1/x) on F γp 2 translates to an exact bound of ln 3 Eν for leading-order-weak νN scattering. The energy dependence of νN total cross section measurements consequently has important implications for hadronic interactions at enormous cms (center-of-mass) energies not otherwise accessible.