Quantification of the microstructures of shales is difficult due to their complexity which extends across many orders of magnitude of scale. Nevertheless, shale microstructures are extremely important, not only as shale gas resources, but as cap-rocks in CCS resources, in geothermal reservoirs and as a host to the long-term storage of radioactive materials. In this work, we have carried out ultra-high resolution CT imaging (nano-CT), mercury injection porosimetry (MIP) and nitrogen adsorption experiments on a sample of gas shale for which we already have focussed ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and high resolution CT (micro-CT) datasets. The combination of these datasets has allowed us to examine the microstructure of the shale in unprecedented depth across a wide range of scales (from about 20 nm to 0.5 mm). Overall the sample shows a porosity of 0.67±0.009% from the nano-CT data, 0.0235±0.003% from nitrogen adsorption, and 0.60±0.07% from MIP, which compare with 0.10±0.01%, 0.52±0.05%, 0.94±0.09% from 3 FIB-SEM measurements and 0.06±0.008% from one micro-CT measurements The data vary due to the different scales at which each technique interrogates the rock and whether the pores are openly accessible (especially in the case of the nitrogen adsorption value). Measured kerogen fraction is 32.4±1.45% from nano-CT, compared with 34.8±1.74%, 38.2±1.91%, 41.4±2.07%, and 44.5±2.22% for 3 FIB-SEM and one micro-CT measurement. The pore size imaged by nano-CT ranged between 100 nm to 5000 nm, while the corresponding ranges were between 3 and 2000 nm for MIP analysis and between 2 nm to 90 nm for N2 adsorption. The distribution of pore aspect ratio and scale-invariant pore surface area to volume ratio (σ) as well as the calculated permeability shows the sample to have a high shale gas potential. Aspect ratios indicate that most of the pores which contribute significantly to pore volume are oblate, which is confirmed by the range of σ (3 to 13). Oblate pores have greater potential for interacting with other pores compared to equant and needle-shaped prolate pores, as well optimising surface area for gas to desorb from the kerogen into the pores. Permeability essays provide 2.61±0.42 nD from the nano-CT data, 2.65±0.45 nD from MIP, and (5.07±0.02) ×10 -4 nD from nitrogen adsorption, which are consistent with expectations for generic gas shales (i.e., tens of nD) and the measurements made previously on the same sample using FIB-SEM and micro-CT imaging techniques.