Author ContributionsYRC supervised the project. YRC, IG, and PM conceived the experimental method. RB and PM performed the experiments. YRC and RB developed the analysis. RB performed the analysis and numerical simulations. YRC derived the analytical model with IG. RB and YRC wrote the manuscript with inputs from IG.
AbstractBiochemical signaling networks allow living cells to adapt to a changing environment, but these networks must cope with unavoidable number fluctuations ("noise") in their molecular constituents. Escherichia coli chemotaxis, by which bacteria modulate their random run/tumble swimming pattern to navigate their environment, is a paradigm for the role of noise in cell signaling. The key signaling protein, CheY, when activated by (reversible) phosphorylation, causes a switch in the rotational direction of the flagellar motors propelling the cell, leading to tumbling. CheY-P concentration, [CheY-P], is thus a measure of the chemotaxis network's output, and temporal fluctuations in [CheY-P] provide a proxy for network noise. However, measuring these fluctuations in the single cell, at the relevant timescale of individual run and tumble events, remains a challenge. Here we quantify the short-timescale (0.5-5 s) fluctuations in [CheY-P] from the switching dynamics of individual flagella, observed using time-resolved fluorescence microscopy of optically trapped E. coli cells. This approach reveals large [CheY-P] fluctuations at steady state, which may play a critical role in driving flagellar switching and cell tumbling. A stochastic theoretical model, inspired by work on gene expression noise, points to CheY activation occurring in bursts, driving the large [CheY-P] fluctuations. When the network is stimulated chemically to higher activity, we observe a dramatic decrease in [CheY-P] fluctuations.Our stochastic model shows that an intrinsic kinetic ceiling on network activity places an upper limit on [CheY-P], which when encountered suppresses its fluctuations. This limit may also prevent cells from tumbling unproductively in steep gradients.3
Significance StatementBacteria use intracellular signaling networks to navigate and adapt to their changing environment. These networks must cope with fluctuations in their molecular constituents, but the role this noise plays in cell behavior is not well understood. Here, we present a novel approach to quantify network noise in individual Escherichia coli cells. Our measurements show that the network exhibits larger-than-expected fluctuations when operating at a steady state; these fluctuations decrease dramatically when the network is activated by a chemical stimulus.A model inspired by gene expression noise studies recapitulates our findings and suggests that large fluctuations are driven by 'bursts' in signaling, drawing a parallel between the operating principles of gene regulatory and protein signaling networks.