Abstract.The wave equation describing the vector propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse of a few optical cycles in a uniaxial crystal is solved numerically by the method of unidirectional waves. Propagation of the pulse in the direction normal to the optical axis is studied, taking into account both second-and third-order nonlinearities of the crystal. Conversion efficiency as a function of crystal length, pump intensity and pulse duration is studied. As an example, the propagation of femtosecond laser pulse of ¼ 10 fs duration at l ¼ 810 nm in a LiNbO 3 crystal 12 mm thick is studied numerically.
IntroductionRecent progress in the generation of extremely short optical pulses has stimulated the development of propagation theory of optical pulses of a few cycles in crystals. It is known that during the propagation of such extremely short pulses in a nonlinear crystal the radiation generation takes place both at difference and at sum frequencies. At the same time the generation of difference frequencies in a medium with second-order nonlinearity is usually used for the generation of a coherent short radiation pulse in the infrared spectrum range [1].It is clear that the approximation of slowly varying amplitude is not applicable to the description of such processes [2]. Therefore, for the description of the propagation process of a femtosecond laser pulse of a few optical cycles in an anisotropic optical crystal it is necessary to use either numerical methods or some special analytical methods.In particular, in [3] the results of numerical simulation of propagation process of a femtosecond laser pulse with 10 fs duration in a nonlinear potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal with 100 mm thickness obtained by the numerical integration of the Maxwell vector equation are given. There a comparison of those results with similar data obtained by the slowly varying amplitude (SVA) method is given, and it is shown that the description of the second-harmonic generation process by such short pulses by the SVA method is not correct.So, the correct analytic description of the propagation of femtosecond laser pulse of a few optical cycles in an anisotropic nonlinear optical crystal is a very topical problem.In [4] the analytic description of the propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse of a few optical cycles in a medium with second-order nonlinearity was given on the basis of the method of unidirectional waves (MUW). It has been shown there