This article addresses the generation and transmission of fractional-order optical bright solitons (OBSs) in silica based single mode fiber. We take into account secondorder dispersion effect in the presence of anomalous dispersion and self-phase modulation together with third-order dispersion. Fractional-order OBS have been extracted using nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We consider dispersion dominant case with variation of data rates from 10 to 60 Gbps covering ultralong distance of 9040 km. The transmission link is composed of optical amplifier with gain of 20 dB and a noise figure of 4 dB. The analytical computations are carried out to calculate the nonlinear dispersive effects and a comparison is made between the analytical and simulated results. Erbiumdoped fiber amplifier and dispersion compensated fiber have been used to overcome fluctuations and to maintain the fractional-order OBS pulse profile. In the end, the outcomes are probed and compared on the basis of Q-factor and bit error rate (BER). It is observed that best OBS transmission result is achieved at 40 Gbps, where Q-factor is 9.85 with a corresponding BER of 2.91e −23 . K E Y W O R D S nonlinear Schrodinger equation, optical bright solitons, second-order dispersion, self-phase modulation, third-order dispersion