Herein, the role of thermal softening in ultrasonic powder compaction is assessed by comparing the densification behaviors of nominally pure Cu and a thermally stable CuTa alloy. These materials have similar thermal properties, but pure Cu softens at much lower temperatures than does the CuTa alloy. Using a specialized ultrasonic powder compaction setup, in situ measurements of relative density, sonotrode power consumption, and temperature are collected, which together provide a time‐dependent geometric hardening parameter that reflects the structure of the compact. The geometric hardening data for the pure Cu powder reveal three distinct stages of densification: an initial particle rearrangement stage; a jamming transition where strong junctions develop between particles; and a final stage characterized by compatible plastic deformation. By contrast, the geometric hardening data for the thermally stable CuTa powder show that it remains a weak fluidized granular medium, despite experiencing higher normal pressures, oscillation amplitudes, and temperatures. The contrasting behaviors of the Cu and the CuTa powders suggest that a thermally activated jamming transition drives interparticle junction growth and densification in ultrasonic powder compaction.