INTRODUCTION:Vitreoretinal pathologies include vitreal haemmorhage and vitreal detachment, retinal detachment, retinoblastoma, diabetic retinopathy,
leukocoria, trauma over eye. The eye being an external sense organ lends itself to an easy and rapid examination of anterior segment but structure
posterior to the papillary plane i.e lens, vitreous cavity and humor, retina, choroid in an opaque media could not be evaluated by just fundus
OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH: Demographic prole of patient with vitreoretinal pathologies. Diagnose the patient with vitreoretinal
pathologies by ultrasonography. Detect and characterize the vitreoretinal pathologies by ultrasonography, clinical ndings and post management
conrmatory ndings to establish the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography in vitreoretinal pathologies.
Study design:Institution based prospective, descriptive study
Study setting: USG section at Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, Medical College, Kolkata
Place of study: Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, Medical College, Kolkata
Period of study:January 2018 to august 2019
Study population:Referred patient from regional institute of opthalmology
Sample size: 50 patients.
RESULT AND ANALYSIS: We showed that 29(48.3%0 patients had vitreous haemorrhage. 19(31.7%) patients had retinal detachment.
10(16.7%) patients had posterior vitreous detachment. 7(11.7%) patients had endophthalmitis. 9(15.0%) patients had retinoblastoma. 1(1.7%)
patients had PHPV. 1(1.7%) patients had asteroid hyalosis. 1(1.7%) patients had retinoschisis. 5(8.3%) patients had normal.
SUMMARYAND CONCLUSION: From, the present study it was noted that Ultrasonography is very efcient tool in diagnosing various ocular
abnormalities. Ultrasonography can categorize the lesions in the posterior chamber well, depending on the echotexture and anatomy. Even the
exact location of the lesion and surrounding structures can be well made out. Ultrasonography can detect structural changes that were missed or
could not be detected by clinical examination especially with opaque media as well. Ultrasonography is proved to be very useful diagnostic tool in
detection and evaluation of vitreo-retinal pathologies in patients with opacities in the vitreous cavity.