The cubic compound PrTi 2 Al 20 is a quadrupolar Kondo lattice system that exhibits quadrupolar ordering due to the non-Kramers À 3 ground doublet and has strong hybridization between 4f and conduction electrons. Our study using high-purity single crystals reveals that PrTi 2 Al 20 exhibits type-II superconductivity at T c ¼ 200 mK in the nonmagnetic ferroquadrupolar state. The superconducting critical temperature and field phase diagram indicates clean limit superconductivity with moderately enhanced effective mass of m à =m 0 $ 16. Orbital degree of freedom in strongly correlated electron systems leads to rich variety of nontrivial phenomena, such as colossal magnetoresistance, orbital ordering, 1) and spinorbital disordered states.2) In particular, for the study of topical subjects of d-electron systems including hightemperature superconductivity and frustrated magnetism, orbital arrangement has been found to provide an important basis to understand the underlying electronic and spin structures. This is because of the strong coupling between orbital, spin and charge degrees of freedom, which, on the other hand, makes it hard to study purely orbital-driven effects.Interestingly, however, f -electron systems may provide a rare example of nonmagnetic ground states that have mainly orbital degree of freedom known as quadrupolar moments, i.e., irreducible tensor operators of the total angular momentum J.3) In particular, cubic Pr and U based compounds with 4f 2 configuration are known to sometimes exhibit a nonmagnetic ground state with the À 3 quadrupolar degree of freedom. In comparison with the uranium compounds, Pr based materials have been found to exhibit rich variety of electronic ground state due to quadrupole moments, such as ferro-and antiferroquadrupolar states, e.g., in PrPtBi and PrPb 3 , [4][5][6] and superconductivity in a quadrupolar phase in PrIr 2 Zn 20 . 7,8) Moreover, for these nonmagnetic states, the hybridization between the 4f and conduction electrons is expected to lead to two competing interactions. One is the indirect RKKY type intersite coupling between quadrupole moments, which may sometimes induce incommensurate modulated structure as observed in PrPb 3 .6) The other is the two-channel (quadrupolar) Kondo effect that quenches the orbital degrees of freedom and stabilize an anomalous metallic state. [9][10][11] For Ce and Yb based compounds described as Kondo lattice systems, it is known that the competition between the Kondo effect and RKKY interaction gives rise to quantum criticality and related phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior. In analogy, novel quantum criticality and exotic superconductivity might arise as a result of the competition between the quadrupolar Kondo effect and RKKY interaction.In the search for the novel screening effects, pioneer works on the cubic 4f 2 À 3 systems PrInAg 2 and PrMg 3 have found that these compounds do not exhibit any long-range order 12,13) and suggested a nonmagnetic heavy fermion state due to the qu...