A simple procedure is proposed for increasing the size of NOEs in NMR studies of small molecules. The method involves the use of a mixed solvent (Me2SO-d6-D20) to increase the viscosity of the solution such that WT,> 1. The advantages of this solvent system and approach are compared with other approaches currently in use.
KEY WORDS 'H NMR NOE Mixed solvent Small molecules
INTRO D U CTI 0 NOne of the most useful tools for structure elucidation and conformational analysis by proton NMR is the nuclear Ovenhauser effect (NOE) e~periment.'-~ However, for small molecules NOEs between protons in close proximity are often very small or not observed at all.4x5 This occurs because the NOE observed between a pair of protons depends not only on the interproton distance but also on the frequency of motions of the interproton vector.' When the correlation time for the motion (7,) is close to the reciprocal of the spectrometer frequency ( w ) , i.e. w r c = 1, as is often the case for small molecules studied using high-field NMR spectrometers, then the NOEs are very small (positive or negative) or not observed.One of the methods proposed for enhancing the NOE in systems where WT,= 1 is the CAMELSPIN experiment.,-, Owing to the dependence of the rotating frame NOE on motional frequencies, positive NOEs are observed for all values of w and 7,. Although the CAMELSPIN experiment is very useful, it has some disadvantages when compared with the classical NOE experiment. These include the smaller maximum theoretical NOEs that may be achieved,, complications due to Hartmann-Hahn transfers between scalar coupled protons7" and the practical difficulties in setting up this experiment.An alternative approach in NOE studies of small molecules is to adjust the experimental conditions so that w r c is no longer close to unity. Varying the field strength ( w ) is not practical, since the highest field is preferred for greater sensitivity and resolution. A more attractive approach is to alter the frequency of motion, T,, by changing the solvent viscosity. Indeed, several solvents (e.g. tetramethylene-d, sulfone,' ethylene glycol-d, , l o phosphoric acid-d,," acetic acid-d,', and oil voltale 10S13) have been used for this purpose in NOE studies of small molecules.In this paper we describe the use of a mixed solvent system (Me,SO-d-D,O) for observing large NOEs as * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.an aid in the structural elucidation and conformational analysis of small molecules. The relative advantages of this solvent system compared with those that have been previously proposed are discussed.
EXPERIMENTALNMR data were acquired on a General Electric GN-300 NMR spectrometer operating at a frequency of 300.1 MHz and processed on a Vax 11/780 computer using an F T NMR program written by Dr Dennis Hare.Pure absorption two-dimensional NOE experiments were performed using a (90'-tl-90"-~,-90"-acquire),, pulse sequence. The real and imaginary parts of the t , dimension were separated by a phase cycling scheme described by States et ...