Схiдноєвропейський журнал внутрiшньої та сiмейної медицини, 2019, № 1 Питання ІсторІї медицини. оригІнальне дослІдження УДК 61(091); 94(569.4)"638/1917" In the robot it is shown that Khrestov walked up to the pandemic to Europe, to prank, to the extent of the nervous and psychological and sexually transmitted diseases, to celebrate the demographic picture of the people. It has been shown that Khrestovi walk along with those who live on real Zaboons, fanatics and unwillingness і, in their own hands, themselves, all the peoples of the people, have found stagnation in the work of methods of diagnostics and lyukvannyy zakhvoruvan, they can also be applied to them. Without an analysis of the lessons of the Crusades, from their ideas of hatred, class superiority, the proclamation of the rule of one nation and religion over others, it is impossible to build an effective socially oriented system of health based on the principles of humanism and spirituality.