Rates of solvolysis of complex ions [C0(3Rpy)~Cl~]+ with R = Me and Et have been determined in mixtures of water with the hydrophobic co-solvent propan-2-01 for a range of temperatures. The variations of the enthalpies and entropies of activation with the solvent composition have been correlated with the physical properties of the solvent and it has been shown that the linear plot found for AH* against AS* in water + propan-2-01 is coincident with that found for water + methanol mixtures. A free energy cycle has been applied to the dissociative-type process of initial state (C"') going to the transition state (M("+')'. . . . . It is concluded that, using values for AGp(Cl-) from either source, the stabilizing influence of changes in solvent structure is greater on the cation in the transition state than on the cation in the initial state for the solvolyses of complexes [ C~( R p y )~C l~+ l and [CoenzLCl]"'.As part of our continuing investigation of the kinetics of hydrolytic reactions involving inorganic complexes with varying hydrocarbon content on the surface of their molecules in mixtures of water with co-solvents of varying hydrophilic [l] Propan-2-01 has been chosen as the co-solvent as properties of its mixtures with water, such as the deviation of the extremum in the excess enthalpy of