The adherability and weldability of pure poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and basalt fibre-reinforced PLA were investigated in this research. The joining efficiency rate is introduced as a comparative parameter among different joining processes. In the case of adhesive bonding, 16 different adhesives were used to join specimens together. The highest bond strength and joining efficiency rate for both the pure (16 MPa, 78%) and basalt fiber-reinforced (18 MPa, 44%) adhesive-bonded specimens was achieved with acrylate-based two-component adhesives. The bond strength and joining efficiency rates of bonded specimens manufactured with four welding technologies (hot gas welding, friction stir welding, ultrasonic welding, laser welding) were also investigated. The highest bond strength for both pure PLA and basalt fibre-reinforced PLA specimens (51 MPa and 125 MPa, respectively) was attained by laser welding. The highest joining efficiency rate for pure PLA specimens (85%) was attained by ultrasonic welding, while it was achieved by laser welding for basalt-fibre reinforced PLA specimens (70%).