The heart pumps the blood around the body to supply energy and oxygen for all the tissues of the body. In order to pump the blood, heart pushes the blood against the walls of arteries, which create some pressure inside the arteries, called as blood pressure. If this pressure is more than the desired level we treat it as high blood pressure (HBP). Present days HBP victims are growing in number across the globe. Blood Pressure (BP) may be elevated because of the change in biological or psychological state of a person. In this paper, we considered attributes such as age, anger, and anxiety (AAA) and obesity (+), cholesterol level (+) of a person to predict whether a person is prone to HBP or not. Obesity and cholesterol levels are considered as post-increment of AAA, where obesity as one +, and total blood cholesterol as another + because experimental results reveal that their impact is less comparatively AAA. In our technique, we used different classifiers, where each classifier considers the impact of each A in AAA along with obesity and cholesterol level of a person in predicting the blood pressure. Experimental analysis is done on real-time data set. It consists of 1000 records which are collected from Doctor C, a Medical Diagnostic center, Hyderabad, India. Each record consists of age, anger level, anxiety level, obesity level, total blood cholesterol level and systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of a person. We used 60% records to train the model, and 40% records to test the model.