A urinary luteinizing hormone test was utilized to predict ovulation in 99 spontaneous, 122 clomiphene citrate, and 82 human menopausal gonadotropin stimulated cycles. Tests were performed in early morning and evening specimens and follicular development was monitored by daily ultrasonography. A positive detection rate of 98, 97, and 94%, respectively, was obtained. Evidence of luteinized unruptured follicles was seen more frequently in stimulated cycles, concurring with negative test results. In 2 spontaneous, 1 clomiphene citrate and 5 hMG induced cycles two distinct LH surges were detected concomitant with a pattern of follicular atresia and subsequent new follicular development. Most ovulations occurred between 16 and 28 h after LH detection, signficantly earlier in spontaneous than in clomiphene citrate stimulated cycles (p<0.02), whereas pre-ovulatory follicles were larger in the clomiphene citrate group (p<0.001). The mean duration of the follicular and luteal phases, as calculated from the LH peak, was substantially shorter in the hMG cycles than in the other two groups (p<0.001).Ovulation is a cardinal event in reproduction and accurate prediction of the time of ovulation is a cornerstone in the management of infertile cou¬ ples. Among many investigated parameters, the lu¬ teinizing hormone surge in serum or plasma has qualified as the most reliable predictor of ovulation (1,2). Moreover, since LH is rapidly excreted, the rise in the concentration of UH in urine provides a useful indicator of the fertile period in women (3,4). The recent introduction of rapid tests for urinary UH surge detection has offered a new valu¬ able clinical tool for determining the moment of optimal fertility (5). However, little is known about its applicability in stimulated cycles and its correla¬ tion with midcycle events when compared with the normal cycles.In the present study the UH Color, a direct ag¬ glutination tube test based on the Sol Particle Immunoassay (SPIA) technology, was used to detect the pre-ovulatory urinary LH surge in spontane¬ ous, clomiphene citrate and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) stimulated cycles. The aim of the investigation was to estimate the effectiveness of the test to detect the urinary LH surge and pre¬ dict ovulation. In addition, the characteristics of the observed surge and its relation with follicular events as evidenced by daily ultrasonography and basal body temperature records, were compared between the three different modalities.
Subjects and MethodsOne hundred and fifteen women between the ages of 21 and 39 years (mean 32, sd±3.5) participated in the study. Patients were suffering from idiopathic (N=69), male (N=42) or cervical factor (N=4) infertility and either intrauterine insemination or natural intercourse were timed following the detection of a urinary LH surge. All had undergone a basic fertility work-up and were having regular ovulatory cycles as confirmed by basal body tem¬ perature records and late luteal phase endometrial biop¬ sies.A total of 303 cycles were analyse...