A three-year-old, male neutered, domestic shorthair cat was presented eight weeks after a road traffic accident with abdominal pain, lethargy and anorexia. Clinical examination was suggestive of a mass in the right retroperitoneal space. Survey radiographs and abdominal ultrasonography confirmed the presence of a cavitated fluid-filled lesion in the left retroperitoneal area consistent with a suspected paraureteral pseudocyst. Based on these findings, an exploratory laparotomy was performed. Surgical management included partial resection and omentalisation of the pseudocyst without ureteronephrectomy. The patient recovered well after surgery and the clinical signs resolved completely after 24 hours. One, three and six months after surgery, the cat was reportedly well. In the presence of a healthy kidney with maintained renal function, an attempt to preserve the kidney and ureter should be made.