Ao meu irmão Tiago, presente em todos os momentos.À minha querida esposa Valdinélia, incansável companheira, me dando suporte, amor, carinho e tranquilidade nos momentos mais difíceis.Às minhas duas preciosas filhas, Laís e Clara, fonte de motivação para ser uma pessoa melhor.
AGRADECIMENTOSAo Prof. Dr. Tulio Diniz Fernandes, não apenas por me orientar nessa dissertação, com seus ensinamentos científicos e acadêmicos, mas principalmente, por toda ajuda na minha formação como ortopedista e traumatologista.
INTRODUCTION:Many authors consider the differences in the relative length of metatarsals in the axial plane, the cause of inadequate load distribution during the gait, overloading the forefoot plantar structures, culminating with metatarsalgia. The realignment of the metatarsal formula is the goal of surgical treatment of this syndrome. However, many studies have shown a 15% rate of metatarsalgia recurrence after the reconstruction in the axial plane, questioning the importance of the metatarsal heads alignment in the coronal plane. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the alignment pattern of metatarsal heads in the coronal plane in individuals with and without metatarsalgia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study evaluated 106 individuals between 30 and 65 years old. They were divided in two groups of 106 feet each, one without foot pathologies and another group with metatarsalgia between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals. The recruitment was performed at the IOT HC FMUSP for both groups, respecting the criteria of inclusion, exclusion and applying the Informed Consent Term. Individuals with midfoot, hindfoot and ankle deformities, patients with previous surgeries or fractures in the foot, rheumatologic diseases and osteoneuromuscular syndromes were not included. After the selection, the subjects were submitted to one weightbearing forefoot axial radiograph, evaluating the coronal plane in order to verify the heights of the metatarsals heads, and other weightbearing anteroposterior foot radiograph, determining the length of each ray. Statistical analysis was performed comparing the measurements between groups. RESULTS: A hundred six individuals were evaluated, forming two groups with 106 feet each. The group with metatarsalgia presented 34 male patients feet (32%), with a mean age of 49.5 years. Thirtythree feet with hallux valgus were identified in the metatarsalgia group. In the non-pathological group were found 54 male patients feet (51%), with a mean age of 44.6 years. Anthropometric variables such as foot size, body weight, height and BMI between the groups did not present statistical difference. The metatarsal heads in both groups were distributed in curved line in the coronal plane, following the formula M1 M3> M4 = M5. The distal support of the 1st ray was positioned more plantar in the metatarsalgia group (p = 0.000).
CONCLUSION:The metatarsal heads in individuals with metatarsalgia and no hallux valgus, were aligned in the coronal plane following this formula M1 M3> M4 = M5, with M1