Dear Sir, Compression of the left renal vein be tween the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery is known as 'nut cracker phenomenon' [ 1 ]. The compression is thought to be caused by a decrease in the angle of the superior mesenteric artery from the aorta or posterior renal ptosis with stretching of the left renal vein over the aorta [ 1 ]. A variant of this phe nomenon, 'posterior nut cracker syndrome' (PNS). refers to compression of the retroaortic renal vein between the aorta and spine [2]. It is associated with hematuria, ab dominal pain and varicocele formationWe present a case of renal vein thrombo sis with PNS. A 36-ycar-old man was admit ted to the emergency room with acute ab dominal pain. Physical examination re vealed left (lank tenderness. Urinalysis dem onstrated +++ protein and on microscopic evaluation 7-8 erythrocytes, 3-4 hyaline casts were observed. Daily urinary protein excretion was 3.5 g. Abdominal Doppler ul trasonography (USG) demonstrated com pression of the left renal vein between the aorta and spine (PNS), an increase in left kidney size, minimal left renal subcapsular edema, a thrombus occluding the left renal vein extending towards the lumen of the vena cava inferior ( fig. 1, 2). Abdominal CT confirmed these findings ( fig. 3). Inferior cavography was normal. Selective venography was not performed because of the risk of dis lodging the thrombus. Prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, ai-antitrypsin. anticardiolipin antibody, antithrombin III, protein and protein C levels were also nor mal. Renal biopsy showed features of mem branous glomerulonephritis (MGN) (fig. 4). The patient was anticoagulated with heparin followed by warfarin. Abdominal Doppler USG. repeated 25 days later, showed collat erals around the left kidney and resolution of the thrombus. After 30 days of prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day), azathioprinc (150mg/day) and dipyridamole (225 mg/day) therapy, the amount of protein in 24-hour urine was 1 g.The complaints of patients in the re ported cases of nut cracker syndrome were microscopic or gross hematuria with or with out abdominal or flank pain [1][2][3][4][5], It is reported that hematuria from the left renal vein orifice, in the absence of any other detectable pathology, should raise the suspi cion of nut cracker syndrome. The diagnosis of this anatomic variation is established by demonstrating compression of the renal vein during selective renal venography [1]. A sig nificant pressure gradient exists over the ob struction. Doppler USG, CT, MRI are noninvasive diagnostic alternatives to angiogra phy [3,5], In this case, PNS was thought to be one of the probable causes of renal vein throm bosis (RVT). Since there is no reported case of nut cracker syndrome complicated with RVT, other etiologies for RVT were also searched. Laboratory findings were consis tent with nephrotic syndrome, and renal biopsy examination demonstrated MGN. It is known that MGN accounts for approxi mately 30% of cases of nephrotic syndrome and 5-62% of them are associated with RVT [6,7]. Vari...