An 18‐year‐old stallion was presented for castration because of insidious, bilateral scrotal enlargement of one year's duration. The left testis was firm, while the right was soft and lobulated; both were larger than normal. Palpation of the scrotum and its contents did not cause the horse to show signs of discomfort. Ultrasonography of scrotal contents revealed abnormal, heterogeneous tissue with ill defined regions of hyper‐ and hypoechogenity throughout both testes. Several hours after admission the horse developed severe signs of colic. On the basis of anamnesis, clinical findings, and results of ultrasonography and transrectal palpation bilateral testicular neoplasia and incarcerated inguinal hernia were tentatively diagnosed. Because the horse's owner did not consent to surgical treatment, the stallion was subjected to euthanasia. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of the testicular tissue collected post mortem revealed a seminoma in the left testis and a leiomyoma in the right testis. The post mortem examination also revealed incarceration of the small intestine in addition to the testicular tumours. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the simultaneous presence of bilateral, yet different testicular tumour types in a stallion.