The use of transthoracic ultrasound (US) has acquired a wide consensus among respiratory physicians during the last few years. The development of portable devices promotes patient's bedside evaluation providing rapid, real-time and low-cost diagnostic information. The different acoustic impedance between different tissues and organs produces artifacts known as A lines, B lines, sliding sign, lung point, etc. The identification of such artifacts is essential to discriminate normal pleural appearance from the presence of pleural effusion, pneumothorax, thickenings and tumors. Ultrasounds are also a valuable tool during interventional procedures, such as thoracentesis, chest tube insertion and transcutaneous biopsy. Its use is recommended before medical thoracoscopy in order to assess the best site of trocar insertion according to presence, quantity and characteristics of pleural effusion. The aim of this review is to provide practical tips on chest ultrasound in clinical and interventional respiratory practice.