Cloudy juices are attractive due to their nutritional and flavor features. However, cloudy juices usually suffer from the loss of important nutrients and from compromised quality and safety during processing and storage. In the current work, the influence of hydrocolloid flavor emulsion on the quality and safety of cloudy mango juice (CMJ) was first investigated. This emulsion was simply prepared by dissolving flavor vanillin (VA) in mango oil (MO) droplets followed by encapsulation with hydrocolloid gum Arabic (GA) and then homogenization using conventional method (GA‐VA/MO) and sonication (GA‐VA/MO‐S). The cloud stability, apparent viscosity, zeta‐potential (ζ), pH, total titratable acidity (TA), degree Brix, and antioxidant capacity tests were measured. The cloud stability of CMJs treated with GA‐VA/MO emulsion containing 3% and 5% (m/v) GA was significantly improved (p < .05) after 4 weeks of storage at 4°C giving 2.1 and 2.0 times higher than those of GA alone, respectively. Further extension of cloud stability (94.4 ± 1.3% and 93.6 ± 1.3%, respectively) was achieved by GA‐VA/MO‐S emulsion with sonication up to 8 weeks of storage. The GA‐VA/MO‐S emulsion appeared the highest ζ potentials at −78.5 mV indicating that ultrasound improved the negative charge capacity of GA particles on the surface of VA/MO spherical capsules. The % scavenging activity of GA‐VA/MO‐S treated CMJ remained constant at 560.1 ± 0.4% up to 8 weeks of storage versus control and other treatments. Moreover, the total plate counts per aerobic bacteria were also investigated showing that the safety of CMJ mixed with GA‐VA/MO and GA‐VA/MO‐S flavor emulsions was markedly improved. The development of % encapsulation efficiency (100%) and droplet size (88.5 nm) of hydrocolloid flavor emulsion by sonication (GA‐VA/MO‐S) could be the major effective parameters on the stability achievement of quality and safety for longer shelf‐life.
Practical applications
The potential of hydrocolloid flavor emulsion on the quality and safety of cloudy mango juice (CMJ) was first investigated. The CMJ treated with GA‐VA/MO emulsion remained its quality and safety for 4 weeks and prolonged up to 8 weeks using GA‐VA/MO‐S emulsion. Findings of the present study could markedly improve the simple and rapid preparation of CMJs with high quality and safety for longer shelf‐life raising their impact on the home and industrial scales.