DESIGN: Case series.
METHODS:In pseudophakic eyes, the axial length (AL) and horizontal WTW were measured by the IOLMaster device. Cross-sectional images were obtained with a 50 MHz ultrasound biomicroscope on the 4 meridians: vertical, horizontal (180 degrees), temporal oblique, and nasal oblique. Sulcusto-sulcus (STS), angle-to-angle (ATA), and sclera-to-sclera (ScTSc) diameters were measured. The IOL optic diameter (6.0 mm) served as a control. To test reliability, optic measurements were repeated 5 times in a subset of eyes.
RESULTS:The vertical ATA and STS diameters were statistically significantly larger than the horizontal diameter (PZ.0328 and PZ.0216, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in ScTSc diameters. A weak correlation was found between WTW and horizontal ATA (r Z 0.5766, P<.0001) and between WTW and horizontal STS (r Z 0.5040, PZ.0002). No correlation was found between WTW and horizontal ScTSc (r Z 0.2217, PZ.1217).
CONCLUSIONS:The sulcus anatomy had a vertical oval shape with the vertical meridian being the largest, but it also had variation in the direction of the largest meridian. The WTW measurements showed a weak correlation with STS. In pseudophakic eyes, Soemmerring ring or a bulky haptic may affect the ciliary sulcus anatomy.