Hydatid disease is an endemic zoonosis of the Mediterranean area. Its frequency in the lung is second only to that of the liver. ' Multiple hydatid sowing of the lung is an uncommon complication that may be misdiagnosed as hematogenous carcinomatosis. Its appearance on a chest X-ray may be misinterpreted and histology not obtained.2This case report illustrates a cause of cannonball "secondaries" in a patient with symptoms referable t o the chest that were not due t o metastatic malignancy. The diagnosis of pulmonary hydatid sowing was made by echography, which showed a hydatid cyst rupturing into the inferior vena cava.
CASE REPORTA 35-year-old male presented with a week's history of productive cough and chest pain. In the days prior to presentation he became febrile and dyspneic. He was a heavy smoker. There was a history of long-term contact with dogs.