The objective of this study is to monitor the process of effacement of the uterine cervix and demonstrate that transperineal sonography is the appropriate technique for this purpose. Eighty-six patients with normal, term pregnancies were studied at the beginning of labor. Transperineal sonograrhy was performed in transverse and longitudina planes. After the initial examination, patients were reexamined several times during a 1 to 4 hour period. We observed a progressive shortening of the canal and the synchronous opening of a funnel-shaped inter-T he objective of this study is to monitor the effacement of the uterine cervix and demonstrate that TPS is a sonographic technique appropriate for this purpose, because it makes possi· ble an objective appreciation and measurement of the changes that occur in the walls of the cervix, in the cervical canal, and its two orifices.Effacement of the uterine cervix consists of the transformation of a fibrous plug with a central, nar-ABBREVIATIONS