Objective: To determine the perinatal outcome in pregnancies complicated by isolated oligohydramnios at term. Patients and Methods: During this study 500 patients with singleton pregnancy were selected and Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) was evaluated within 4 days of delivery in these patients with technique of Phelan et al. All selected outcome variables of these pregnancies were recorded on printed proformas. On the bases of AFI measurements patients were divided in two groups. Those who have AFI > 50 mm and < 50 mm. The significance of difference or comparison of means was measured by Chai square test (by Yats corrections). Perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with oligohydramnios were compared with those with normal amniotic fluid volume.
Results:The selected outcomes showed significant variations in both groups. The statistical significance was present between advanced gestational age, presence of meconium, deceleration of fetal heart rate and chances of caesarean delivery. There were increased chances of induction of labor (41% Vs 22%) and caesarean delivery (32% Vs 23%) in oligohydramnios group.
Conclusion:Oligohydramnios is associated with an increased risk of caesarean delivery for fetal distress and perinatal morbidity.