We would like to thank the readership for their interest in 2 of our recent manuscripts, each outlining free, open-source, web-based tools to support data needs of infection preventionists and health care epidemiologists. 1,2 Recently, 2 changes have been made to the applications that may impact individuals who use these tools. First, all of our applications have been merged into 1 toolkit, now called "IPStat." We hope this will facilitate ease of use of each application, and will simplify future additions. Second, and more important, owing to constraints on the prior server, the web address of the tool has moved. Those interested can now access IPStat at the following web address: http://capo.ctrsu.org:3838/shiny/ipstat/. As always, no data are saved, stored, or otherwise eavesdropped upon by these applications or anyone on our study team. We feel strongly that the intense data needs of the practitioner can be simplified so everyone can get back to their critical patient safety efforts. We hope these free tools can help.