IntroductionThe physical world presents a very different landscape at the nanometer scale. Physical phenomena such as inertia and gravity vanish from view; instead the interactions of matter and energy are dominated by other phenomena like wave-particle duality, uncertainty, and quantum electrodynamics. Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at this scale, where the axioms that govern material and device design differ dramatically from those found at the macroscale level. More precisely, "nanotechnology" typically encompasses both the miniaturization of existing technologies to the nanoscale, and the discipline of engineering molecular-scale systems from the bottom up, producing constructs with fundamentally new qualities that revolutionize human engineering, from materials and manufacturing, electronics, and information technology, to medicine, biotechnology, energy, and even security. The array of goals and applications in nanotechnology intersects with an equally wide array of techniques and materials with their own emergent properties in the field. One such branch is concerned with the re-engineering of biological mechanisms, systems, and molecules in new forms with new utilities, broadly termed bio-nanotechnology.The field of nanotechnology taking advantage of nucleic acids has its origins in the work of Nadrian Seeman and coworkers who have, over the past 30 years, spearheaded the development of DNA nano-object fabrication utilizing DNA self-assembly [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Briefly, DNA nanotechnology uses the nature of DNA complementarity for the construction of DNA tiles with discrete secondary structure by canonical WatsonCrick interactions (G-C and A-T base pairing), using a relatively small number of structural rules fundamentally based on Holliday junction motifs. The use of these rules has resulted in the engineering and characterization of numerous DNA 3D nanoscaffolds with different connectiviities [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] and the ability for some of them to promote targeted delivery by functioning as DNA nano-capsules [19][20][21] or DNA nano-carriers for other functionialities [22]. Another powerful technique called DNA "origami", developed by Paul Rothemund [23], has been extended from its original scope for designing different 2D DNA shapes [24] and functional templates [25][26][27][28] Abstract Nucleic acids have emerged as an extremely promising platform for nanotechnological applications because of their unique biochemical properties and functions. RNA, in particular, is characterized by relatively high thermal stability, diverse structural flexibility, and its capacity to perform a variety of functions in nature. These properties make RNA a valuable platform for bio-nanotechnology, specifically RNA Nanotechnology, that can create de novo nanostructures with unique functionalities through the design, integration, and re-engineering of powerful mechanisms based on a variety of existing RNA structures and their fundamental biochemical properties. This review...