We estimated the total number of calcitonin-immunoreactive C-cells in rat thyroid gland using the optical fractionator, the unbiased stereological method for estimation of numbers. It was necessary first to use a fiiative composed of formalin, acetic acid, and ethanol to distinctly visualize the C-cells. The 40-pm-thick sections had to adhere to chromalum-gelatin-coated Superfrost Plus glass slides, and the immunostaining technique had to stain the C-cells evenly throughout the whole sections. Because the C-cells were irregularly distributed in the thyroid tissues, their counting required screening of about 500 fields per lobe, but the number of C-cells counted need not be high, about 90 per lobe. We estimated that rats have 185,000 2 42,000 C-cells (mean SD; n = 7). The C-cell population did not differ signifi-