SCALES, P. F., and PETERSON, R. L. 1991. Structure and development of Pinus banksiana -Wilcoxina ectendomycorrhizae.Can. J. Bot. 69: 2135-2148. Seedlings of Pinus banksiana were grown in growth pouches and inoculated with Wilcoxina mikolae var. mikolae, Wilcoxina rnikolae var. tetraspora, and Wilcoxina rehmii. Ectendomycorrhizae formed between P. banksiana and W . mikolae var. mikolae developed rapidly following inoculation. The mantle was of variable width, and a large amount of mucigel was evident on the root surface. Intracellular penetration of the cortical cells by hyphae occurred one to two cells distal to Hartig net formation. Both light and transmission electron microscopy revealed labyrinthic growth of Hartig net hyphae that were densely cytoplasmic during early penetration stages but became vacuolate as the association aged. Intracellular colonization of the cortex was extensive, with the hyphae highly branched and surrounded by an interfacial matrix and cortical cell plasma membrane. The external morphology and anatomy of ectendomycorrhizae formed between W . mikolae var. tetraspora and W . rehmii and P. banksiana were similar to those described for W . mikolae var. mikolae.
SCALES, P. F., et PETERSON, R. L. 1991. Structure and development of Pinus banksiana -Wilcoxina ectendomycorrhizae. Can. J. Bot. 69 : 2135-2148. Les auteurs ont cultivC en sachets de croissance, des plantules de Pinus banksiana et les ont inoculCs avec le Wilcoxina mikolae var. mikolae, le Wilcoxina mikolae var. tetraspora et le Wilcoxina rehmii. 11s ont observe un dCveloppement rapide d'ectendomycorrhizes formees entre le P. banksiana et le W . mikolae var. mikolae k la suite de l'inoculation. Le manchon a des Cpaisseurs variables et on observe une grande quantitC de mucigel k la surface de la racine. La pCnCtration intracellulaire des cellules corticales par les hyphes s'Ctend B une ou deux cellules en position distale au delk du reseau de Hartig. La microscopie photonique et la microscopie Clectronique par transmission permettent d'observer la croissance labyrinthique des hyphes du rCseau de Hartig dont de cytoplasme est dense pendant les premikres Ctapes de la pknetration, mais qui devient vacuol6 k mesure que l'association vieillit. On observe Cgalement une importante colonisation intracellulaire du cortex montrant des hyphes fortement branches et entouris par une matrice interfaciale et par la plasmalemme des cellules corticales. La morphologie externe et l'anatomie des ectendomycorrhizes formtes entre le W . rnikolae var. tetraspora et le W . rehrnii avec le P. banksiana sont semblables k celles dCcrites pour le W . mikolae var. mikolae.