S U M M A R YA stable, ultraviolet-induced, albino mutant of Blastodadiella emersonii Cantino and Hyatt is described. It differs from wild type in: (a), capacity to form brown resistant sporangia (RS), both as 2nd and 3rd generation RS in clones derived from 1st generation ordinary colourless (OC) plants, and as I st generation RS produced directly in response to exogenous bicarbonate; (b) the inhibition of growth by low concentrations of bicarbonate; (c) the longer generation time, stemming from a combination of decreased growth rate and delay in spore release until terminal sporangia have become unusually large; ( d ) the increased incapacity to discharge in situ on solid media with increasing temperatures above 23" ; (e), reduced motility of zoospores and increased tendency to become amoeboid and encyst prematurely; cf), certain changes in the fine structure and organization of mitochondria and their associated lipid sacs, y particles and the double membranes that surround nuclear caps and nuclei of spores chilled to low temperatures.