A B S T R A C T Affinity-purified monospecific antibodies against human fibrinogen and the platelet-specific proteins platelet factor 4 and beta thromboglobulin were used to localize these antigens in thin and ultrathin frozen sections of mildly fixed, washed human blood platelets. By immunofluorescent double-labeling experiments the distribution of fibrinogen was compared to that of platelet factor 4 and beta thromboglobulin. All three antigens occurred in virtually all platelets and showed an identical, dotlike distribution. For immunoelectron microscopy we used protein Acolloidal gold on ultrathin frozen sections to visualize the specific reaction indirectly. The staining for platelet factor 4, beta thromboglobulin, and fibrinogen localized exclusively over a-granules of washed platelets. Within the granules, platelet factor 4 was localized preferentially in the electron dense, a-granule nucleoid, whereas fibrinogen was more predominant in the electron-lucent granule periphery. Beta thromboglobulin localization did not show a preferential intragranular distribution.