The driven-equilibrium single-pulse observation of T 1 (DES-POT1) and T 2 (DESPOT2) are rapid, accurate, and precise methods for voxelwise determination of the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. A limitation of the methods, however, is the inherent assumption of single-component relaxation. In a variety of biological tissues, in particular human white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM), the relaxation has been shown to be more completely characterized by a summation of two or more relaxation components, or species, each believed to be associated with unique microanatomical domains or water pools. Unfortunately, characterization of these components on a voxelwise, whole-brain basis has traditionally been hindered by impractical acquisition times. In this work we extend the conventional DESPOT1 and DESPOT2 approaches to include multicomponent relaxation analysis. The driven-equilibrium single-pulse observation of T 1 (DESPOT1) and T 2 (DESPOT2) (1,2) methods afford rapid, accurate, and precise evaluation of the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. As previously described (1,2), unlike the more common spin-echo (SE)-based relaxometry approaches that sample multiple time points along the T 1 recovery or T 2 decay curves, DESPOT1 and DESPOT2 derive T 1 and T 2 information from sets of spoiled gradientrecalled echo (SPGR) and fully-balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) data acquired over a range of flip angles, ␣, with constant interpulse spacing, TR. With TR values of less than 10 ms, whole-brain and high-spatialresolution quantitative T 1 and T 2 maps can be acquired in less than 15 min (2,3), a time frame comparable to that of clinical T 1 -or T 2 -weighted acquisitions.Despite the advantages of DESPOT1 and DESPOT2 over alternative relaxometry techniques, both methods are based on the premise that the relaxation of magnetization in each imaging voxel is characterized by a single T 1 and T 2 combination, i.e., that the MR signal arises from a single microanatomical domain or water pool. This proposition, however, overlooks the complex microstructural organization of tissue. Although information related to tissue microstructure has broad clinical utility (for example, in identifying tissue change associated with disease), obtaining such information generally requires invasive or destructive techniques, such as histological analysis. Analysis of transverse relaxation data, however, has shown considerable promise for elucidating tissue microstructure noninvasively by enabling the decomposition of the measured MR signal into multiple components, each believed to originate from distinct tissue subdomains (4 -10). T 2 data obtained from a variety of neural tissues have consistently revealed the presence of at least two relaxation components: a fast-relaxing species with T 2 Ͻ 50 ms, and a slower-relaxing species with T 2 Ͼ 70 ms. Based on histological correlations (11,12), the fast-relaxing species is broadly attributed to water trapped between the lipid bilayers of the myelin sheath, while the s...