The endophyte, that is, the haustorial part within the tissues of the host plant Impatiens balsamina, of the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta japonica was studied with light and electron microscopy. The endophyte consisted mainly of vacuolated parenchymatous axial cells and elongate, superficial (epidermal) cells. Then the elongate, epidermal cells separated from each other and transformed into filamentous cells, called searching hyphae. The hyphae grew independently either intercellularly or intracellularly in the host parenchyma. The apical end of the hyphal cells was characterized by conspicuous, large nuclei with enlarged nucleoli and very dense cytoplasm with abundant organelles, suggesting that the hyphal cells penetrating host tissue were metabolically very active. Numerous osmiophilic particles and chloroplasts were noted in the hyphae. The osmiophilic particles were assumed to be associated with elongation of the growing hyphe. Plasmodemata connections between the searching hyphal cells of the parasite and the host parenchyma cells were not detected. Hyphal cells that reached the host xylem differentiated into water-conducting xylic hyphae by thickening of the secondary walls. A xylem bridge connecting the parasite and the host was confirmed from serial sections. Some hyphal cells that reached the host phloem differentiated into nutrient-conducting phloic hyphae. Phloic hyphae had a thin layer of peripheral cytoplasm with typical features of sieve-tube members in autotrophic angiosperms, i.e., parallel arrays of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and plastids with starch granules. Interspecific open connections via the sieve pores of the host sieve elements and plasmodesmata of the parasite phloic hyphae were very rarely observed, indicating that the symplastic translocation of assimilate to the parasite from the host occurred.