©reprodução autorizada pelo autor Yazbek, Guilherme Comparação dos resultados obtidos no tratamento da hiperidrose palmar pela simpatectomia torácica videotoracoscópica nos níveis de desnervação T2 e T3 / Guilherme Yazbek. iii
DedicatóriaAo meu pai, Dr. Amilcar, exemplo de dedicação, competência e amor pela medicina; modelo para minha formação e que sempre me apoiou em novas conquistas.À minha esposa, Edith, por seu apoio, paciência, carinho e pela felicidade de tê-la a meu lado, sem a qual seria impossível a realização desta pesquisa.À minha mãe, Janete, por seu sacrifício, dedicação e amor na criação dos filhos.Aos meus irmãos e sobrinhos e especificamente à minha irmã, Lais, exemplar médica ginecologista, modelo de dedicação aos pacientes, que sempre me motivou no exercício da profissão apesar das dificuldades da medicina atual. video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy at the T2 or T3 ganglion level. They were followed up for a mean of 20 months and were evaluated regarding their degree of improvement of palmar hyperhidrosis; incidence and severity of compensatory hyperhidrosis and its evolution over time; and quality of life. RESULTS: Fifty-nine cases presented resolution of the palmar hyperhidrosis. One case of therapeutic failure occurred in the T3 group. Most of the patients presented an improvement in plantar hyperhidrosis, without any difference between the groups. Twenty months later, all of the patients in both groups presented some degree of compensatory hyperhidrosis, but with less severity in the T3 group (p = 0.007). Compensatory hyperhidrosis developed in most patients during the first month after the operation, with incidence and severity that remained stable over time. An improvement in quality of life was seen, starting from the first postoperative evaluation, but without any difference between the groups. This was maintained until the end of the follow-up. CONCLUSION: Both techniques were effective for treating palmar hyperhidrosis. The most frequent complication was compensatory hyperhidrosis, which presented stable incidence and severity over the study period. Sympathectomy at the T3 level presented compensatory hyperhidrosis of less severity. Nevertheless, the improvement in quality of life was similar between the groups.Descriptors: hyperhidrosis, sympathectomy, quality of life.