“…Increased septation of the lung appears to characterize the more metabolically active amphibians (Goniakowska-Witalinska, 1985). Structural similarities in pulmonary design, such as a double capillary system, preponderance of connective tissue elements in the interalveolar septa, and a single population of the respiratory alveolar pneumocytes have, despite the gross differences, been noted in Amphibia (Meban, 1973(Meban, , 1977Dierichs, 1975;Hightower et al, 1975;Goniakowska-Witalinska, 1978, 1986Starck-Vancs et al, 1984;Pohunkova & Hughes, 1985). On closer examination, fine structural differences between the amphibians have, however, been observed.…”