The histopathology of a cerebral lipidosis in the Hawaiian goose, Brunta sandvicensis Histopathological investigation of two Hawaiian geese which had shown abnormal neurological symptoms during life, revealed a cerebral lipidosis resembling metachromatic leucodystrophy. Abnormal deposits of lipid occurred in neurons and their processes, in perivascular macrophages and oligodendroglia especially in white matter, in Schwann cells and in kidney tubules. There was astrocytic gliosis, incomplete myelination in the central nervous system and demyelination of sciatic nerves. The abnormal deposits were sudanophilic, PAS-positive, metachromatic with acidified cresyl violet, birefringent, negative or weak in their response to phospholipid stains and gave a positive histochemical reaction for sulphate esters. Thin-layer chromatographic lipid analyses suggested excess amounts of sulphatide. Ultrastructurally the deposits comprised spherical granular inclusions, often containing some laminated membranes, and larger, irregular-shaped inclusions composed of compacted lamellae. The periodicity of the lamellae was 5-6 nm.
13-28chemistry and Cytochemistry 15, 421 in the dog.