Abstract. Among the X-ray/Be systems, A 0535 + 26/HDE 245770 has been noted, since its discovery, for its peculiar features in several respects, in a wide energy range. For this reason and for a series of concomitant favorable causes, this system has been one of the most studied among the massive X-ray binary systems. The most remarkable incident was that its optical identification with an early-type-emission-line star (O9.7IIie) has led to a deep studies on Be stars and their interactions with neutron stars, which have allowed to discover, without unbiguity, the presence of optical indicators of consequent X-ray flares, as well as that Be stars in X-ray/Be systems behave just as 'normal' Be stars. Overmore, thanks to the multifrequency coordinated observations of this system, the X-ray emissions from binary companion of the Be stars are best explained by assuming the presence of a thick equatorial disk with low expansion velocity and a thin polar region with high expansion velocity. This picture reconciled the strong discrepancy in mass loss rate evaluations coming from IR and from UV measurements, assuming that the observed regions are enterely distinct from each other, one being a high-density, low-velocity region, and the other being a low-density, very hot, rapidly-expanding disk-like zone.Since, this picture seems to be the best up-to-date frame to cuckold all the experimental panorama available on X-ray/Be systems, we would like to paint in this paper the multifrequency behaviour of A 0535 + 26/HDE 245770, which is the best studied among such systems, in order to stimulate future coordinated experimental-theoretical works on this very interesting class of objects.