Op ti cal and mag netic prop er ties have been in ves ti gated for the struc tur ally con fined amor phous magneto-semiconductor, ter nary chalcogenide, within the nanochannels of the mesoporous host. The structural con fine ment in duced a weak crys tal lo graphic or der ing of the mag neto-semiconductor within the nanochannels. Unique op ti cal prop er ties were ob served for this nanocomposite, which were pos s i bly due to the size and en ergy quantization of the con fined guest chalcogenide within the nanochannels. The structural con fine ment also in duced the sup pres sion of the phonon cou pling to the photoexcited car ri ers dur ing the car ri ers' re com bi na tion pro cess. The spin-glass freez ing tem per a ture (T f = 4.2 K) which was the charac ter is tic mag netic tran si tion tem per a ture for the amor phous bulk was shifted to 2.3 K for the con fined sys tem, pos si bly due to the gen er a tion of the superparamagnetic do mains in duced by the quan tum confine ment ef fect.Key words: Mag neto-semiconductor; Chalcogenide; Mesoporous; Exciton re com bi na tion; Spin-glass.
IN TRO DUC TIONIn the field of nano-science and tech nol ogy, the pre cision con trols of size and shape and the main te nance of the nanostructure are im por tant re search sub jects for pro vid ing spe cific and sta ble nanoproperties. For these pur poses, nanotemplating has been sug gested as one prom is ing method.1-3 Re cently, var i ous mesoporous ma te ri als have been uti lized as templating nanomolds for nanocomposites and free-standing nanomaterials, which can pro vide sta ble and highly-ordered nanostructures. 4-10 To date, sev eral differ ent types of mesoporous ma te ri als have been fab ri cated to have the var i ous po rous struc tures which have con trolled pore di am e ters, 11,12 vari able com po si tions, 13-17 and designed morphologies. 18-23 Such uti li za tion of mesoporous tem plates have pro duced unique nanomaterials of semicon duc tors, met als, mag nets, and or ganic com pounds, and which pres ent in ter est ing nano-chemical and phys i cal prop er ties.
23-31As one of the quan tum con fined sys tems, the semicon duc tor quan tum dot has been in ves ti gated in ten sively due to its tun able band-gap prop erty of quan tum size ef fect. How ever, the bare semi con duc tor quan tum dots typ i cally have a wide range of emis sions which orig i nate from several re com bi na tion path ways such as di rect band-to-band re com bi na tion, shal low-trapped re com bi na tion, and deeptrapped re com bi na tion in sur face de fects, etc. Es pe cially, the pre ci sion con trol of the emis sions orig i nat ing from the sur face de fect states is some what dif fi cult due to the complex bond ing na ture on the sur face of the quan tum dot. Recently, mesoporous ma te ri als have been uti lized as templates for the emis sion con trol which is in duced by the struc tural con fine ment of the semi con duc tor quan tum dots. 24,32,33 The pre vi ous stud ies sug gest that the sur face state emis sion could be re moved by...