Investigation of photoluminescence excitation spectra in GaAs proves that the capture of hot conduction-band electrons by ionized donors via emission of LO phonons is an efficient relaxation mechanism.The relaxation of photoexcited hot electrons in a semiconductor can proceed via different mechanisms: emission of (1) optical phonons and (2) acoustical phonons, leading to final states within the conduction band, 1 ' 2 (3) cascade capture into impurity states through phonon emission, 3 and (4) radiative recombination with holes, 4 leading to final states at impurities or in the valence band. Photoconductivity spectra 5 and photoluminescence excitation spectra 6 in several semiconductors show characteristic oscillations which demonstrate that process (1) dominates. However, the precise interpretation of the oscillatory structure in photoconductivity spectra is still controversial and undecided. 5 ' 7 This Letter reports the first excitation spectra (ES) of the near-band-edge luminescence in GaAs. The conduction-band-acceptor (e,A°) and the donor-acceptor (D°, A 0 ) luminescence intensities serve as selective probes for the free-electron and the neutral-donor populations. The structure found in the luminescence ES demonstrates that the capture of hot electrons into donor states by emission of LO phonons is an efficient relaxation process, competing with thermalization into the bottom of the conduction band by emission of acoustical phonons. Lifetime measurements and line-shape analysis of the (e, A 0 ) luminescence set an upper limit to the intraband acoustical relaxation time for hot electrons, which is found to be considerably smaller than the lifetime of electrons in the conduction band. This result contradicts earlier assumptions. 8High-purity, epitaxially grown w-type GaAs samples with carrier concentrations in the range !.8xl0 12^r a^7.0xl0 14 cm" 3 (77 K) were used. Seven samples were investigated which all exhibited similar luminescence and excitation spectra. Sample £292 had a Hall mobility J LL = 148 000 cm 2 / Vsec and rc = 1.8xl0 13 cm' 3 at 77 K. Values of A^ = 1.2xl0 14 cm" 3 and N A = 1.0xl0 14 cm*" 3 have been calculated 9 from these data. The samples were immersed in liquid helium. Light from a 3400-K tungsten-iodine lamp was passed through a i-m grating monochromator and focused onto the sample. An excitation power density of 3 xlO" 6 W/cm 2 at 8000 A (bandwidth 14 A) was obtained. All ES were corrected for the smooth spectral distribution of the exciting radiation. The luminescence from the excited surface was dispersed by a f-m grating spectrometer and detected with a C31000E photomultiplier. Chopped (560 Hz) and dc excitation gave identical results.The luminescence spectrum of sample £292 near 1.49 eV is shown in the inset of Fig. 1. The luminescence bands (e,A°) at 1.4923 eV, and (D°, A 0 ) at 1.4883 eV have been identified by Rossi et al}° No other intense luminescence beside the free and bound exciton lines and the (e,A°) and (D°,A°) emission bands was present in the nearband-edge region. Pe...