Sustainable development goal (SDG) 9 is dedicated to aspects related to infrastructure, industry, and innovation. It is targeted at social inclusion and environmentally sustainable economic development, building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation by proposing industrialization that offers opportunities for all people (UN 2015, 2017). Infrastructure investments are critical to achieving sustainable development and empowering global communities. The industry, which is a major driver of economic development and employment, needs to incorporate concern for environmental preservation and social welfare into its products, services, processes, and business models. Innovative products and processes are the foundation for efforts to achieve sustainability and efficient use of natural resources, energy, and water and reduce emissions and waste generation. Investing in state-of-the-art technology is fundamental for the industrialization process, increasing resource efficiency, and focusing on sustainable products and services (UN 2019). Expanding the initiatives related to SDG 9 (infrastructure, industry, and innovation) is fundamental to foster the economic development of nations, regardless of their degree of economic maturity. This is because they address the three dimensions of sustainable development, ensuring that the economic system is sustainable in terms of resource use and associated impacts, which benefits the greatest number of people in society, supports their well-being, and is accessible by providing an economical production that meets existing needs and demands (Global Taskforce 2014; ICSU; ISSC 2015).