We have modeled numerically the propagation of waves through magnetic structures in a stratiÐed atmosphere. We Ðrst simulate the propagation of waves through a number of simple, exemplary Ðeld geometries in order to obtain a better insight into the e †ect of di †ering Ðeld structures on the wave speeds, amplitudes, polarizations, direction of propagation, etc., with a view to understanding the wide variety of wavelike and oscillatory processes observed in the solar atmosphere. As a particular example, we then apply the method to oscillations in the chromospheric network and internetwork. We Ðnd that in regions where the Ðeld is signiÐcantly inclined to the vertical, refraction by the rapidly increasing phase speed of the fast modes results in total internal reÑection of the waves at a surface whose altitude is highly variable. We conjecture a relationship between this phenomenon and the observed spatiotemporal intermittancy of the oscillations. By contrast, in regions where the Ðeld is close to vertical, the waves continue to propagate upward, channeled along the Ðeld lines but otherwise largely una †ected by the Ðeld.